The chords and the rhythm of blues

I’ve been asked often about a course teaching rhythm guitar and chord voicings for blues. Well, it’s finally here. This is a very thorough course, and I think it turned out very well.

The Triads Workout is packed with ideas and examples!

Triads Workout
Triads Workout
3 Downloads: Triad Voicings + Comping With Triads + Voicing & Comping The Blues.
Price: $141.00
Price: $39.00

What’s in the course?

Let’s take a look at how these main type of chords are created.

First of all, the focus on this course is Dominant Chords, because those are the ones we used the most in blues-based music.

This course is structured logically. We start by looking at some basic theory – how triads are constructed, and how we build Dominant 7 chords. I also explain how minor 7 and major 7 chords are created. The course includes both Dominant 7 chords, as well as their extensions (9, 11, 13 chords) and I explain it all in enough detail for you to both understand and utilize these concepts.

After that, I will share with you the Dominant chord voicings I use the most in my playing. We will also practice these voicings, one by one, to a drum track. Last time I counted all the chord diagrams I used for this course, I realized there are 113 chords voicings in this course… in other words, plenty to keep you busy! Remember, you only have to learn the ones you really like. By learning the concept of how they are created, however, you’ll be able to create your own voicings. It’s really quite simple.

The 3rd ingredient in this course is taking some of these chord voicings and use them in a blues tune. So, I have created 6 specific lessons for this, and each has its own backing track. For 3 of these examples, I will use the simpler 3-note chord voicings, and we stick to only those throughout the tune. For the other 3 examples, I make it a bit more challenging by using 4-note voicings, and I’ll use 2 sets of those for playing through the tune. That way, you can progress from playing simpler voicings to more challenging ones, so this is a good way for you to improve your chord voicing abilities.

How this will help you

Learning (some of) these chord voicings as shown will make it possible for you to jam along with pretty much any blues tune, and you’ll have lots of options for great sounding “blues chords”. But it’s not just about the chords either! I start out with teaching you simpler strumming approaches at first, but some of these examples have faster, funky and groovy strumming techniques, which is a key ingredient to sounding like a good player! There are examples you may find very challenging, but I think that is a good thing in the end. Furthermore, you can (and should) develop your own strumming patterns over songs like this. I do think, however, that my examples will come in very handy for a lot players. The tracks are also fun blues tunes to use for soloing!

By using 6 different keys for the examples, you have excellent opportunities for building a useful mental library of Dominant chord voicings for blues-based tunes, using some of the most common keys you’ll ever run in to.

What’s included?

This 3 hours, 16 minutes, 3.2 GB course comes with:voicing-comping-folders-img

  • 22 videos
  • TAB and Guitar Pro files
  • 6 backing tracks, in 6 different keys
  • 113 Neck Diagram images for every chord voicing

Video Preview

It’s really important to be able to quickly find three-note Dominant 7 chord voicings when comping. Here are 7 voicings for you to learn.

How you can use blues chords:


Order now

22 videos – 6 backing tracks – TAB and Guitar Pro files. 3 hours, 16 minutes. 3.2 GB Download.

Triads Workout

$46.00 (67% off)

3 Downloads: Triad Voicings + Comping With Triads + Voicing & Comping The Blues. Over 5.5 hours, focused on learning the voicings and using them in a real situation.

BUNDLE – Big Savings

Triads Workout
Triads Workout
3 Downloads: Triad Voicings + Comping With Triads + Voicing & Comping The Blues.
Price: $141.00
Price: $39.00

Triads Workout DVD
Triads Workout DVD
4 DVDs + 3 Downloads: Triad Voicings + Comping With Triads + Voicing & Comping The Blues. Over 5.5 hours, focused on learning the voicings and using them in a real situation.
Price: $141.00
Price: $49.00

Download Version

Voicing & Comping The Blues - Download
22 videos - 6 backing tracks - TAB and Guitar Pro files. 3 hours, 16 minutes. 3.2 GB Download.
Price: $77.00
Price: $28.00

DVD Version

Voicing & Comping The Blues - 2 DVDs
22 videos - 6 backing tracks - TAB and Guitar Pro files. 3 hours, 16 minutes. 3.2 GB Download. Comes on 2 DVDs and also includes the Full Premium Download.
Price: $79.00
Price: $33.00

Triads Only

Triad Voicings - Download (1 GB)
5 Videos, Tab, Neck Diagrams for all triads and examples. Length: 61 minutes. Size: 1 GB.
Price: $47.00
Price: $22.00
Triad Voicings - DVD + Download (1 GB)
5 Videos, Tab, Neck Diagrams for all triads and examples. Length: 61 minutes. Size: 1 GB.
Price: $49.00
Price: $92.00
Comping With Triads - Full Download (1.6 GB)
20 videos, Backing Tracks, MP3's, Tab, Guitar Pro. Size of download: 1.6 GB. Total length: 1:33.
Price: $47.00
Price: $22.00
Comping With Triads - DVD + Download
20 videos, Backing Tracks, MP3's, Tab, Guitar Pro. Total length: 1:33.
Price: $49.00
Price: $29.00


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Voicing & Comping The Blues
Average rating:  
 4 reviews
 by Darren

A great informative / extensive course on a cross section of Blues sounds, and if your looking for ideas / dominant voicings to try out (3 and 4 note), and covers in depth a lot of voicing arrangements. Robert shows chord construction, with printable voicing diagrams and Tabs, also backing tracks to practice with. But warning, it's not a beginners course, unless you have a passion for this style of playing.

 by Clayton

Chords are Meat and Potatoes of Songs and this course presents you with the cookbook for dominant chord construction. Get this course and become the chef, cooking up songs and music progressions at the local blues jam, in the garage band rock scene or on your porch.

Be the bandmaster or simply the rhythm guitar player in the background- Robert Renman’s easy to follow, detail of chord construction up and down the neck delivered in his inviting style makes this course a Habit you can’t kick. Yes, this course makes it hard to put the guitar down. Work through this program and you will find yourself compelled to pick up the guitar and make more, and more music. Why is it compelling- this course gives you an complex tool kit that becomes easy to employ and crank out song after song. You will be compelled and creative.

Just Chords & Rhythm? No way, although you will learn a much of both. The foundation of a good guitar solo and great guitar player is chord construction and rhythm. All of the blues rock guitar gods have their fingers and minds planted squarely in fluid knowledge of rhythm chord playing and construction. Think about it: Hendrix, Clapton, Page, SRV, and all those other great players- it starts with knowing how chord tones lay out up and down the neck and the manner to play over the rhythm pattern. Here, learn the keys to Dominant chords and practice them in a number of keys.

113 Chords- Sounds like too much? Not when you grasp the flow and progression of these shapes over the length of the fretboard. The Course pulls you into learning chords and hammering out (or sliding into) combinations of chords in rhythms and progressions until it is what every player wants of their skills: Playing Skills and Construction Become Second Nature.

I love this course- it has kept my nose to the wheel, fingers on the board and feet tapping on the floor. I return to each lesson often and now play an exponential number of chords and songs with ease, comfort and creativity. Thanks, Robert, for making another fun and engaging course.

 by Chris

Great exercise for learning the Dom 7 triads up and down the neck. Should come in handy for learning the neck, positions, triads... These are the sweet notes, once learned, you'll always have some notes to work in your solo or rhythm no matter what position you are playing in. Great lesson. This series of chords, voicings and comping lessons is a huge course that is truly useful across the board, across all styles. Whether one is thinking in terms of rhythm or soloing this will help get you there.

 by Ivan

I've been playing guitar for three years now and my biggest challenge throughout has been building a repertoire of chords that I could use at my disposal. Robert Renman's course "Comping The Blues" has added a whole new dimension to my learning experience. I have learned and added more chord voicings to my arsenal in two months than I have in three years studying this instrument. Not only do I have a library of chord voicings that I can count on, but I also have a much better understanding of chord theory in terms of intervals and construction. There are also six different comping feels to practice the voicings with. Robert really delivered the goods on this one. He goes through great lengths to present all the information you need to start building your chord voicing library in a chronological order that is not only easy to follow but a lot of fun. If you struggle with understanding and playing chords, like I have, than this course is definitely for you. You won't be disappointed.