Lick Of The Week 2 – this is over 2 hours of fun!

This is a collection of 17 cool and fun lessons compiled from the “Lick Of The Week” page.

Example lesson videos

Some of these lessons are short & easy, and some are quite in-depth.

Difficulty level is from Intermediate to Advanced (especially the jazz-inspired licks).

Funky Modern Rock Lick


Classy Jazz Blues Lick over A7

  1. Stretching The Blues – The Major 3rd
  2. Stretching The Blues – Major 6th
  3. Stretching The Blues – The Flat Five
  4. The Power Of Triads
  5. Jazz Blues Lick
  6. Dual Triads Lick
  7. Jump Blues Lick
  8. Double Stop Bends
  9. Mike Bloomfield Lick
  10. Modern Rock Lick
  11. Jimi Hendrix Style Symmetrical Lick
  12. Useful SRV Lick
  13. Matt Schofield Lick
  14. 16th Notes Blues Scale Lick
  15. Driving Blues Lick
  16. Wes Meets Sco
  17. Das Schwingen Lick

Total length: 2:06:56

Order Now

Lick Of The Week 2 - Download
17 Licks - 2 hours, 7 minutes in total. TAB included in the video itself. Download: 1.5 MB TAB & GP6 in a zip file & 2.2GB download with video.
Price: $33.00

Lick Of The Week 1+2+3 as a Bundle

Lick Of The Week Download Bundle
Lick Of The Week Download Bundle
LOTW 1 & 2 & 3 in a bundle. You get 51 Licks - 6 hours, 35 minutes in total. BIG download - over 6 GB!
Price: $141.00
Price: $35.00


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Lick Of The Week 2
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 2 reviews
 by Jeffrey

Lick of the Week 2 looks pretty 'ready' to download from here....I live in the country, with satellite internet and measured bandwidth. I have an office with good internet 30 miles into town - so downloads are important to me...and more jump blues is always a good idea! Thanks!

 by Jeff

excellente! I just bought a years subscription, paid in full - may I have a download link for Lick of the Week 2? Please and thanks!

Yes, as a yearly member you will get this download as soon as it is ready. Thanks! Glad you like it.