Jingle Bells Blues!
The classic Jingle Bells tune! This one is a lot of fun to play for Beginners, Intermediate AND Advanced players. In this lesson, you will:
- Learn the rhythm guitar for the whole song
- Learn the melody for verse and chorus
- Learn a ripping solo – 10 sweet licks you can reuse in any blues!
- Learn how to combine Major and Minor Pentatonic the way really skilled players do it
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What can this lesson do for you?
If you are a beginner, you have lots to work with there. This lesson will show you how to play rhythm guitar to song you already know, which makes it easier. As a result, you will become more proficient in switching between chords. This is not a blues tune, but I have arranged it for so it’s using the same chords as a regular blues tune. However, the chord progression is completely different, so you’ll be doing something familiar in a new setting.
The melody is of intermediate difficulty. Getting proficient in playing both verse and chorus may take a little while, but doing so will improve your timing and technique. You’ll get better at double-stops, as well as single-note playing. It’s actually trickier than it sounds, but I teach you all about muting in this lesson, so you’ll be doing just great.
For the more advanced player, the solo starts out easy and tasty, but quickly gets into some tasty chord tone licks and some fast hammer-ons and bends. This makes the solo a bit of a challenge to execute cleanly, but it’s definitely doable! Working on this solo will improve your lead playing skills. This is not a “cold, static” solo – this is the real thing! This is how I play.
What’s in the lesson?
The lesson comes with Video, TAB, Guitar Pro 6 (optional to use) and 3 backing tracks. I encourage you to take the backing tracks and record yourself, and post on youtube! Feel free to use my backing tracks for that!
There’s a BONUS
I have also included a 20 minute lesson on combining Major and Minor Pentatonic scales. If have ever wondered how to do this without having to slide that same old Box 1 up and down the neck, this lesson will have you go “ah, so that’s how it’s done”. I teach you the secret behind going between minor and major – while staying in the same spot on the neck! This is a much more useful and “professional” way of using this concept. I say “professional”, because that’s how we do it – knowing your fretboard means you don’t have to slide shapes up and down. In other words – this lesson will help you learn the fretboard better – you focus on the sound of the scale and learn new finger patterns in one area of the neck. Very, very useful for players who want to improve their lead guitar playing.
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Everyone needs to know at least one Xmas song for the season. This lesson not only delivers on that note but also includes techniques that will up your blues game as a bonus. Don't miss out on this deal. Two for the price of one. It's a no-brainer!