Great live lesson today. Whilst it is still fresh I gave it a lash applying what I remembered over the backing track.
Nice job there. Melodic and sweet.
@clayton I took your original jam track and added some frilly bits to the last 6 minutes using dimension pro. A synth plug that has a gazillion voices...
@robert I like your take on the blending of the scales. Your positioning above the 12th fret is a lesson in itself. Well done.
@bluesiline Thanks Birgit your enthusiasm is appreciated.
@robert I think it boils down to playing using your ears more than eyes. The maj pent has a very distinctive sound - a unique voice that really stand...
That was awesome. I found myself playing along and working the steel out with the devil so to speak.
Hi Ken, Im in Canberra, just a stones throw away! Ha!!!!
@clayton Yeah hes cool. And just re listening to my improv, it just didnt quite pop when it should have did it.
There is no such thing as a bad idea, only bad execution. As I am discovering on a daily basis in my music journey.