Hey Scottivell, glad to have you here! What styles do you like? What do you need help with? What's your current skill level? Hope you can find wha...
That is sweet! I LOVE that you are doing this! You are really getting better each time you do it. I can tell. 😀 👍 😀
That is so exciting to hear! Keep working on your timing - you are on the right track and keep practicing. It is always good to verbalize the notes (r...
Hi Blaze and thanks for stopping by! Soundslice is a great tool for learning, that's for sure. What type of music and artists are your favourite?
Here is the page to the archived stream. On the right hand you have a link to the lesson files:/p>
I love that story @matonanjin!
Here some sweet stuff:
3 hours! WHOA! Chris is one of my top 5 guitarists ever. He is so skilled. You can hear some jazz in there too sometimes. He is much more advanced ...
That's a cool song! I am thinking you may have started on a different position than intended. It's a challenging song compared to a blues, rhythmicall...
Let's hear it!
Any questions about the content I went over during the live stream?