This is really something Robert. Just, as I described Kenny's, smoking! Just really impressive.
Thank you for this! One of the greatest contemporary guitar players performing, what some argue, is the greatest solo ever. It would have to be smo...
but there is a striking resemblance!
So @Clayton you don't think the next one is going to be one to go on your keychain? 😉 BTW, what do you use for the battery? I took a face to f...
@Clayton, having my Spark 40 for what is now approaching a year I'm glad to see that you "caved to the lure". And, yes, I also reasoned that "why wou...
hiyá (Lakota for "no") 😉 And, yes, what @robert said. My wife's is not one of the newer ones. But I had to do something for her with files fr...
@Clayton, a week ago we were at my son's house in Kaiser, Missouri. Kaiser is in the Lake of the Ozarks area. It was just starting to turn colors an...
No!!!!! What the hell is wrong with you, @robert?!?! Everybody actually knows that red is better than purple! red is also better than green! The p...
@clayton Sorry I haven't reported back b4 now. Lots going on and, unfortunately, none of it guitar related. But.......Crepes A La Cart was fun and d...
Looking forward to those photos, @robert
Birgit, I (we) am going to be gone a couple weeks. But I appreciate your point. This will take some time to get rolling. When it does, should be fu...
@Bluesiline I will also try and answer the call, but first problem is, if you saw from my other post, I am going to be gone for a couple weeks and may...