So after all this I may be shifting direction! And Chris probably saw me post about this on another forum he and I frequent. I went in to my favori...
Dang it! Once again won't be able to make it. We are moving and have final walk through of our new house about this same time ☹️
It was a really good answer. And I will just add, of course, it will become your new favorite guitar. And that is a good thing. Your other guitars ...
Birgit, I won't share any sound examples because mine would be such poor representation of the different classes of guitars. If Chris did it would ...
Mission accomplished 🤣
Just a really valid point (what I bolded), Chris. thank you. And, with some successful domestic PR work, maybe the difference could be applied to th...
@jestme, Chris, sorry. I was not clear. I did not mean PRS acoustic. For acoustic, I am going to go with one of the three you mentioned and of tho...
Chris, thanks for the complement. Maybe I know a little but I study them a lot. I think I do have it narrowed down to those two I mentioned. But wh...
Chris, there is a thread going on right now on the PRS forum about the SE Hollowbody II Piezo. Apparently on the SE piezo one can not adjust the pots...
@jestme And actually Chris the tone, playability is important. But the most important consideration to me is weight. (You know why.) The 594 Hollowb...
New? brother-in-law? They've married quite a while I think. But far more importantly, the PRS 594 has been on my radar for a while now. Every revi...
Nigel, hauntingly beautiful music. Thank you for posting. As one that has spent a lot of time listening to indigenous music here in this hemisphere...
Thanks, Birgit Thanks, Robert.