@rjrubin, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I suspect my wife and I have been together a similar amount of time as you and your wife. I just ca...
Welcome to you @vinnyd You will learn a lot from Robert. Check out his video lessons page. You and I have been on this planet a few rotations and...
@Blaze214 Welcome to you! In addition to Robert's voluminous lessons (Have you looked at the course list?!) there are some very knowledgeable, helpfu...
A great guitarist, song writer and, as you said @wobbly_bob., a huge voice not unlike BB King. We got to see him on the Bonamassa Keeping the Blues A...
Birgit, it is GDG. But I really don't know for what reason 😟 I think, if memory serves, when we were discussing options, he asked me what ...
Nice. thanks for sharing and for putting it out there
I'll try soon
He was not having "too much of a good time" at the end of his trip. He got held up upon reentry into Canada because of a paperwork problem. From Rob...
@robert, lots of time before I need the information, but I will be picking your brain on recommendations on "must see" locations in Sweden. Not this ...
YES!!! @robert have a great time. I'm looking forward to those photos.
Great photos, Robert. Looks like you were having a great time
We have been on 5 of his (JB's) Blues Cruises: Keeping The Blues Alive at Sea. Such a great time. We, unfortunately did not go this year. But the...