Topics: 4 / Replies: 216
RE: Guitars for Life

Hey, Papmrt!! Now finally when Robert holds his fun live streams and greets 'Texas' (meaning me!) he'll need to be more specific!! Jim C.

4 years ago
RE: Jazz Blues Solo J001

...........But you're up to this challenge, right??!! George Benson's it for me!! Steely Dan and their foray into jazz/blues especially utilizing Larr...

4 years ago
RE: Jazz Blues Solo J001

All that's missing here is the smoky dark back jazz room atmosphere and the clinking of mugs of beer...........Molsons............or Lone Star??!! Ver...

4 years ago
Answer to: where should i go now?

Your poor aching mom with that Marshall stack!!!!

4 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 510
RE: Warp Kings - my new band - first release!

Hey!! You have to change your name because you've stolen the sacred name of my original high school rock band's name..........Time Warp!! seriously....

4 years ago
RE: Easy Country Solo played by Sandie Erreca

Makes feel like I'm hanging out somewhere in Texas!! Oh!! Wait!! I am!! Seriously.........nearly flawless!! Now let's see how our New Hampshire ...

4 years ago
RE: Spark Blues

So am I the only one who's thrilled to combine this latest Spark Blues solo in the key of C along with Roberto's nice Sophisticated Licks lesson and t...

4 years ago
RE: New Guitar - Danelectro!

I've lost count on Roberto's guitar collection at this point but I do believe it may actually surpass Chris's at this point!! Now if we could see Mr. ...

4 years ago
RE: New Intermediate Blues Solo in E

Match this nice course with Roberto's equally great "You got to Help Me" solo II course and you're in a world of some great soloing concepts over that...

4 years ago
RE: Jazz Blues - Tenor Madness

Now if you care to tackle a neat course of Roberto's that absolutely helped me a ton on rhythm guitar (again.......it's me and my tastes and it's a bi...

4 years ago
RE: Jazz Blues - Tenor Madness

Feels pretty great when you manage to get it 'in the groove' so to speak, and play fluidly, right??!! Next step is to take it into different grooves.....

4 years ago
RE: Vacation a couple of days

Can't see Roberto playing a double body, Chris!! Otherwise this is very likely!! Jim C.

4 years ago
RE: Vacation a couple of days

@jestme Co-pilot duties go to Chris I call!! My platform includes at least a bottle of Canada's finest brewed ale for every MGA scheduled LIVE...

4 years ago
RE: Vacation a couple of days

Make sure to give us all your cell phone # so we can continue to pester you with questions whilst you vaca!!!!! Jim C.

4 years ago
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