Happy New Year Mike . I think many of us here are up there in age and we are re-living our youth with the love of the guitar in our hands. I know fo...
Hi jestme Thank you for your kind comment.
Thanks Clayton I did the vocals and rhythm on track one. The lead was on track two while listening to track one. I only did one take, many wrong ...
Thanks for listening and your kind comment.
Lots of power in your playing. Like the soft yet gentle striking of your plucking. Matches well for this style of music.
You got the feeling of them notes just singing off the fretboard. Your turnarounds sounded if they are your own originals. Always a pleasure to hear...
Thank you very much for your kind comment. The vibrato is like swimming. It comes down to balance and with that, one uses less energy. The 3 point...
great progress going on the vibrato is keeping a 3 point balance from the fingertip, the palm, and the wrist in other words, try not to keep the b...
Can you post your world clock link on this, please. Discuss on how and why chords work with each other. Thanks
Well thank you very much for your kind comment. Yes that was directly off my Android phone coming from a boss cantana little mini amp. That was it...
Hello there and welcome to the site forum. Robert's lessons keep growing and his courses are the tops.
Thank you Robert. Your kind comments really mean a lot to me. My bends and the vibrato I felt really showed some good expression on what I was try...