That's nice. Vienna must be so beautiful this time of year. Playing music on the guitar is like sculpturing your soul with musical notes. Hillbil...
By the way, the guitar was still in the garbage bin when I returned to pick it up. LOL Are you using 10's on this. The strings do sound strong.
Hey Clayton, now that is funny. I agree, I don't think I could do that on 13's.
Hi Craig Thanks for your kind comment. The emotional part of my playing seems to be part of me. I do need more structure in my playing though. You b...
Thanks Robert. I have the Triad lesson on my bookmarks. The lesson is very interesting and reminds me of the 60's type of songs. Again, thank you for ...
How far is it from your hometown?
Hey Robert I did the Mel Bay book 1 and that is far as I got with reading music. The weirdest thing is, I haven't found anything on the net that has a...
Hey jncinn Anchovies are where it is when it comes to good ole fashion Italian pizza. Here's a picture of mine that I made the other day. Wife and I ...
Hey! Bet you are enjoying yourself. OK. I'd like you to check out this song: Here is the recording, but the vocals are a bit too low. Here are the l...
Great! Looking forward to the mini lessons. Would like to see a mini series on how to read music with sharps and flats in the staff.
In the beginning I heard the note screaming off the fretboard. Pretty cool. Next, your thoughts were coming out musically and speaking to each other....
Thanks Robert for listening. It was recorded in a very "raw" way. Just picked up the guitar and I think I used the computer mic. Here are the lyrics...