Patrick Stewart was invited- Or did he just crash the party? Looks like a damn good time! What songs were covered?
Ron, that's a beautiful sight of all that six string Love. And I must confess I've had my eyes on a Martin 000-15M this year but won't let it happen ...
Holy Sh👁️t, that's amazing, please do share a clip as I always find this song challenging.
I haven't seen Clapton in 22 years. I think he was insulted when I wouldn't acknowledge him at the after party in Tokyo.
@bluesiline I love your passion for music.
@matonanjin Ron, funny you should mention a Truefire course and this lesson. I was back in working diligently on my McErlain In the Style of Billy Gi...
Welcome Back, Matey! That was an incredible cast of performers and it sounds like you get every dollar worth of your investment. C-Dawg
Dude, that was simmering goodness. Talk about restraint and getting that slow blues vibe! It's always a good day when I hear you play.
That was too cool! I mean two instruments, using Garageband for midi flute and an acoustic guitar mic'd, and split screens. And I do appreciate how ...
I did not know that! Oh, the places music takes us, within and with out. Where's the pics?
@robert The weekend is here, and it's time to get stompin' my jigs and reels! Thanks so much for the video guidance on chord changes. Slainte!!
@matonanjin, Nobody puts Baby in the Corner! I'll see what "troubles" (yes, that's my Irish pun) I can stir up in yer absence. Keep a hat on, wea...
How's the playability?
@matonanjin sometimes I'm sloe'r than a gin fizz. And yet, coincidentally, two weeks ago my Wed night jam buddies and I were listening to the Jeth...
@robert that's good stuff!