@wobbly_bob, Craig, and @robert, I noticed today that I'm not getting along with the backing track "Key of A organ shuffle 120 bpm" that I picked out....
Sorry Craig, you had already mentioned your email address in your post, I just read over it. Sorry again Birgit
Thanks for your information on the process, Craig. The tension is rising, especially since I have never done this before!!! Since we no longer have ...
I wish you a successful sports day, Robert 👍. I looked at your backing tracks, Robert, and found the following track under „Backing Tracks in A“...
It's those magical moments in life that you can't plan for, Clayton 😊. Birgit
@Robert, that would be great if Esteban and Chris would also participate. We could then also ask RoberT @csharprat ? @matonanjin, Ron, I would be ...
Hi Craig @wobbly_bob, and @robert, I can't leave you hanging even though I have weak knees. You know I'm still very limited with my guitar skills....
@wobbly_bob, Craig, thanks for your clarifications. Your project sounds great. Seeing how wonderful you made your video again with the effects, with...
@wobbly_bob, Craig, I would still like to know how your excellent solo is integrated into the global collaboration you mentioned. Thanks for sharing...
I wish you lots of fun, Robert 😊. I'm quite curious and I'm looking forward to what you will tell us about using in-ear monitors. Birgit
André, such a cool rhythm and what a solo, superbly played. I am thrilled 👍. Thanks for sharing. Birgit
Robert, I am still busy learning the Jingle Bells Blues. Above all, I'm concentrating on playing the double stops in the chorus cleanly, that still ne...
Thanks Robert. This exercise is incredibly good for my fingers. This is actually the first time I’ve done such exercises. You made the exercise so mus...
Steve Vai, cool guitars and Roxane and Robert - a beautiful couple 😊.
Robert, your new video « YL45 A minor scale practice » is a wonderful practice lesson for my fingers. At the moment my skills are only sufficient to p...