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Learn 3 Mighty & Greasy Blues Licks

These 3 licks are greasy and fat, and will help you to really DIG IN when you play the blues. They are all coming from the same bucket of grease, but the phrasing and location on the neck is different for each – on purpose! Keep on learning tasty phrases and work on that fretboard […]

Spark Blues

Check the blues improve I came up with while jamming to a jam track from the Spark, by Positive Grid.

Texas Blues Lick with Fills! YL04

Hey guys, let’s learn a sweet Texas Blues lick, followed by a double-stop rhythm guitar fill. This a fun way to play through a 12 bar blues. Next step for you is to modify the lick a bit each time you play it and also play around the double-stop fill. This can generate some useful […]

Bluesrock Licks YL02

Here are 6 blues-rock licks that are not too challenging I hope. These licks together make for a short solo, more or less. It’s the phrasing that really makes the difference. It’s not about showing off – just some nice bluesy lines to fit over this chord progression.

Into The Wind

I forgot to put this sweet solo in the news section! Sorry about that. I am wondering if you can hear the Weather Report quote in the beginning? 🙂 Please note, that you can see both full view and fretboard view by clicking the “Recordings” option in the Soundslice toolbar.  

Blues Yam Bb01

Today, I have published a sweet blues solo for you to learn. It’s a 24 bars long, and it’s in B flat. I had listened to Chris Cain when I recorded this, and the last 2 licks are pretty stolen from him. He is such a great player – check him out. This solo is […]

SRV style

I made a new course called “SRV Style Licks”, since I have quite a few licks of that style scattered around the web… I’m trying to consolidate them into one place. Check out this latest one – pretty cool! First lesson with my new Strat (I named it “Denise”, after my wife).

Sophisticated Blues Licks

I’m starting a new section of licks and ideas that are a bit more “sophisticated”. These are fun and challenging pieces that will inspire you and push you a bit. They many not always be advanced technique-wise – sometimes they just sound cool and aren’t too hard. Have a look: