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3 Sweet Blues Licks You Can Use Anywhere

I’ve been experimenting with a more interesting view for my lessons. This is kind of a test, that way. I’m changing it again, with better lighting and backdrop – coming soon. Here are 3 sweet and tasty blues licks for you. They all have interesting phrasing, and you can drop these into pretty much any […]

YL21 – enclosure & chromatic passing tones

Chord tones is something you hear me talk about a lot. That’s because they are so important and useful. Now, it can sometimes be tricky to use them well. In this lesson, I’ll show you two concepts you can use when you are trying to make the most out of chord tones: enclosure and chromatic […]

Minor Blues Solo – YL20 & Live Stream

The new lesson is up – a sweet, easy and pleasant minor blues solo in D minor, the saddest of all keys. This solo consists of 10 easy blues licks, and they are great staple licks that you can use in other songs too. Nothing very difficult here, but these licks provide a strong melody, […]

How to play fast blues rock licks YL19

Playing fast is something a lot guitar players want to do. So how do you do it? Needless to say, you need a lot of practice time, but WHAT should you practice? My answer is the technique. In this lesson, you will learn some common blues rock “runs”, using this techniqu. You can view these […]

YL18 – play a 12 bar blues solo with one lick

In this lesson, we’re going to play a really greasy and sweet blues lick, and it’s fairly long. I recommend thinking of this as a phrase, rather than a lick. It’s really several licks that are connected, which creates this sweet phrase. Give it a try! It works great over any blues.

Some Days I Have The Blues

New B Flat soloing course! This one is inspired by BB King’s “Every Day I Have The Blues”. The solo is loaded with sweet, tasty and reusable licks. The solo 48 bars long. Click the button below to get started.

E Dorian YL17

Here’s a nice, melodic E Dorian phrase for you to learn. Jamtrack and lesson files are available on the Soundslice version.  

Run Rudolph Run

By now, I assume you know that I’m in a virtual rock band, called Warp Kings. We recorded our version of this Christmas classic. Here is my Run Rudolph Run solo, broken down in details for you. The song, in the key of C, uses a typical blues progression. Run Rudolph Run was written by […]

Minor 9 chord voicings

  In many cases, you can replace a minor chord (1-3-5) with a minor 7, minor 9, minor 11 or minor 13 chord. These extended minor chords simply give you “more” or “different” colour into to your music. I look at these as colours – sometimes I go for a minor 7 chord and another […]