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5 Ways to play A7 – Bm

Some background: this progression stems from D Major. The chords are A7 and B minor. That means they are “V” chord and “Vi” chords from the perspective of D major. Personally, I don’t think that is the only way to look at it. When the song is focused on the minor chord, I think of […]

I – IV Triads Practice

The I – IV major triad progression is extremely common, and you need to know how to easily and effortlessly go between these two triads, anywhere on the neck. That is exactly what we are going to do today. I have prepared an overview and explanation, free to anyone, but the real meat and potatoes […]

Scott Henderson Root Food Lick

Scott Henderson is one of my biggest inspirations as a guitarist. He’s got a unique style, and he mixes jazz, blues and rock together in a really cool way. He is also a tone freak and knows more about guitar tone than anyone else! Check him out at – he also has a discussion […]

The Major Scale course updated

This week, I’ve updated the Major Scale course page and added some really important and useful lessons. You’ve GOT to know the major scale inside out if you want to be able to really improvise freely.Is it a lot of work? Well, it can be, but it doesn’t have to be! I have created plenty of lessons for […]

Student Focus 6 – Craig – No Doubt

Craig, also known around town as “wobbly bob”, is back with another killer performance. Take a listen to the feedback I’ve provided. Please remember that these can be very helpful videos for yourself too. Even though advice is in some ways individually tailored, most of it applies to all of us, including myself. Pay attention […]

Lydian Triads

The Lydian mode is a beautiful sound. It’s a major scale, and it’s very close to the Ionian mode. The only difference is the 4th interval is raised. In this lesson, we are going to practice finding two major triads up and down the neck. When the tonal centre is A, you get the Lydian […]


A new course on how to play pull-offs properly is now available. This one is in the same vein as the hammer-ons course – detailed instruction in the introduction, and then exercises with Soundslice. Please watch the introduction and pay close attention, because I provide many tips and hints. DO NOT skip directly to the […]

Sweet & Happy Blues Lick in E

Here is a sweet and happy blues lick for you to learn. It’s a great lick that spans 4 bars. This makes for a very useful lick you can add to your arsenal. You can start any solo with this lick, and it kind of sets you up for something nice on the IV chord […]

Killer blues lick to start a solo

This lick is one I picked up from the amazing Kirk Fletcher. There is a lot of SRV in this one too. The cool thing is that you can float over time with these types of licks. You don’t have play 8th notes in time. Instead, you play freely, “floating over time”, so to speak. […]