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Minor Blues Rhythm 1

Let’s dig into some blues strumming! In this first mini-course, we are going to dig into a minor blues rhythm in the key of A. You’ll learn 3 variations on the same theme. Let’s hear you play this! I’m planning on a few more of this type of lesson – yay or nay?

How To Start A Blues Lick

I’ve added in this course that I created 3 years ago. There are lessons laying around from the old version of the website, and I have not added every single one back in yet. It’s not easy to find them because I redid so much… This is a useful one I think, even though I […]

E7(13,#9) – a slick Dom7 chord

Here is a cool chord you might find use for. The way I view this chord is E7#9 but with an added 6th in there (can also be viewed as the 13th). Or you can view it as an E13#9. Or E7(13,#9). This chord has no 5th either, and neither does that typical “Hendrix chord”. […]

Vibrato, Holding the Pick & Student Focus 9

Craig submitted a wonderful piece that blew me away. Can we say Jimmy Page rules! Chuck played along to Honky Tonk Woman, and I loved it. I mentioned in the video how you can work on rhythm, just using a drum track. Come see. Live video coming soon! I did a test using Facebook, check […]

Jamming in Sweden

While I was in Sweden, I went to a blues jam and they filmed it. I certainly didn’t play as well as I would have liked, but you know that’s how it goes sometimes. I played some strange gear, and I didn’t connect with it. On the other hand, this is what it’s all about. […]

Major Pentatonic Blues Lick with b3

This lick is simply using the 6 note “hybrid” scale, where we play both minor third and major 3rd, and it’s repeating itself as we go higher and higher. The lick ends with a longer chromatic move, followed by minor third, root note and minor 7th. Simple concept that sounds very cool sometimes! Just to […]

Eric Johnson Triads

I love the sound of “wider interval triads”, which is something Eric Johnson often uses, hence the name of this lesson. It’s a simple concept really: play a triad, but move one of the notes to a different octave. That’s it in a nutshell. Now, you should explore this concept further. You see, you can […]

C Ballad Backing Track

I wrote a ballad for you to practice with, while I’m at NAMM. It’s a slow tune at 65 BPM, in C Major, and I have provided several versions of it, with different instrumentation. All done with Band-In-A-Box. You can grab it here – the chord progression is in the PDF. It’s a 32 bar […]

Student Focus + MGA Chat 8

I will be at the NAMM show from Jan 25-29. Check out these videos and get cracking on some recording projects in the meantime! You can access all  my backing tracks from here. I will post updates on my MGA Facebook Page while at NAMM. Keep an eye on it. See the links below!