Biggest Sale I've Ever Offered

Love Is Bold

I found a video from almost 5 years ago that I didn’t publish until now! It’s a little Hendrix idea based on Axis: Bold As Love. I don’t play it exactly like Jimi did, and it’s not the full song. It’s a really sweet sounding piece, and a great exercise too. I find it’s harder […]

YouTube Shorts

Sorry for the delay in providing you with the lesson files for these shorts! I’ve been trying out YouTube Shorts for a while, to see how they might help my channel. Here are the videos & lesson files for the ones I’ve made TAB for: S011 (lesson files) S010 (lesson files) S009 (lesson files) S008 […]

Wide interval arpeggio & pentatonic

I have been experimenting with YouTube Shorts lately, and here is a fun one I came up with. These videos are 1 minute or less. Hope you like it. Download Tab & Jam Track here.

5 Blues Boxes Solo

This one should be a welcome addition to the Easy Blues Solo course I made a few years back. There, you will also find the neck diagrams for the blues boxes. I hope you find it useful.

Low Income Blues – new solo

I have added a new solo to this course. This one is in the style of BB King. I lifted some licks from a live recording I heard. I think the year was 1971. Really sweet licks in there.

YL40 – Power Up Your Blues with Double-stop Rhythm Riffs

In this video, I am going to show you a fun way to use double stops as a “rhythmic device” over a blues. Let me show you a few practical double-stop riffs that we can use as a different flavour in a blues solo. These types of riffs are a great way to have more […]

YL39 – 6 ways to play Double-stops

In this lesson, I’m going to show you 6 different techniques for playing double-stops. A double-stop simply means playing 2 notes at the same time. We often hear them in solos and fills, in country, rock and blues. It’s almost like a simple chord, but we’re using 2 notes instead of 3. Double stops are […]

YL38 – easy blues solo in A

This time, I improvised an easy blues guitar solo and made it into a lesson. I hope you like it. It’s easy, tasty and fun. Even though the licks are easy, they complement each other well. There are small, greasy bends in here, double-stop pull-offs and chord tone licks. It’s all based around the Box […]

Restructuring YT lessons

Hey guys, in order to make it real easy to find the YL-XX lessons here, I’m setting up a new course. I am adding all of these lesson to this course. They all have Soundslice view available, which is exclusive to MGA members. It will take me a while to put them all in there, […]

YL34 – Learn a sweet blues solo in C

This is a sweet blues solo in C, and it’s fairly simple overall. As with many of my solo lessons, this one has a strong “call & response” theme. I play a lick, and follow it up with another licks that is like an answer/reply to the first lick. This way, you end up having […]