The special sale is over for this time

If you are interested in this bundle next time it’s on sale, please contact me.

I am excited to offer you a massive collection of high quality backing tracks in different styles, with excellent groove and production. This package is much more than only backing tracks. I am committed to helping you advance as a guitarist, which is why I am also doing a LIVE WORKSHOP where I will provide more in-depth teaching on how to practice over these backing tracks. You’ll also be able to ask questions.

These tracks have been meticulously hand-crafted by my friend Mats Nermark, and he is the King of backing tracks. You’ll have over 28 hours of excellent tracks to jam along to. The tracks are on completely different level than most backing tracks you find on the internet. These are real songs with melodies and solos by Mats. There are 300 backing tracks as well as versions of the same tracks with melodies and solos. That is why there are 630 tracks in total (300 backing tracks & 300 full tracks plus bonus tracks). Check out the samples at the bottom of this page and you’ll see what I mean.

I have recorded improvised solos over 5 of these backing tracks, and you get these videos with transcriptions and Guitar Pro files.

You will also get 2 video lessons on How To Practice To Backing Tracks.

As an extra bonus, you also get over 7 hours of lessons – Lick Of The Week. This is a huge collection of guitar licks in different styles. Blues, jazz, rock, funk, etc – plenty of material you can instantly apply. You can practice playing these licks to the backing tracks in this bundle!

What is included?

  • 300 Backing Tracks ($810 value)
  • 300 Full Tracks (each backing track with melody + solo)
  • Lick of the week 1-2-3 ($99 value) – see more details here, here and here
  • Video + Transcription of my Into The Wind solo ($15 value)
  • Video + Transcription of my Double Perspective solo ($15 value)
  • Video + Transcription of my Middle of the Day solo ($15 value)
  • Video + Transcription of my Once Upon A Boat solo ($15 value)
  • Video + Transcription of my Cross Platform solo ($15 value)
  • 1 Live Workshop ($99 value)
  • 25 Blues Backing Tracks ($27 value)
  • 5 Country Backing Tracks ($10 value)
  • 2 teaching videos on how practice over backing tracks ($45 value)
  • 12 major scale neck diagrams
Mega Backing Track Bundle
Mega Backing Track Bundle
300 Jam Tracks & 300 Full Tracks + Chord Charts & Production Notes. 30 Bonus tracks and 7+ hours of licks. Styles: Blues, Rock, Jazz, Pop, Country, Jazz Rock, Funk, Slick Pop, Pop, Electro. Includes 5 solo transcriptions with video, 2 videos on how to practice over backing tracks, and a 60 minute live workshops where you can also ask questions.
Price: $1,165.00
Price: $97.00

Into the Wind

You will get this solo + the transcription. Click the video below to see it.


play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

Double Perspective Solo

You will get this solo + the transcription. Click the video below to see it.


play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

Middle of the Day Solo

You will get this solo + the transcription. Click the video below to see it.


play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

Cross Platform

You will get this solo + the transcription. Click the video below to see it.


play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

Once Upon A Boat

You will get this solo + the transcription. Click the video below to see it.


play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

Why is this a good deal?

Mega Backing Track Bundle
If you were to buy each of these products separately, it would cost you $1165.
Right now, you can get this for $67. This offer will disappear soon, so act fast. The value in this package is enormous. Take advantage of it while you still can.

This is more than just backing tracks

You also get a live workshops, where you can ask me questions and I’ll respond in real time. You get the 2 “how to practice…” videos, so that you can refer to them at any time. Also included are the 5 solo videos with tablature and Guitar Pro file, and 7 hours of cool licks. You will be able to download all of these videos onto your computer.

Mega Backing Track Bundle
Mega Backing Track Bundle
300 Jam Tracks & 300 Full Tracks + Chord Charts & Production Notes. 30 Bonus tracks and 7+ hours of licks. Styles: Blues, Rock, Jazz, Pop, Country, Jazz Rock, Funk, Slick Pop, Pop, Electro. Includes 5 solo transcriptions with video, 2 videos on how to practice over backing tracks, and a 60 minute live workshops where you can also ask questions.
Price: $1,165.00
Price: $97.00



Order now

Mega Backing Track Bundle
Mega Backing Track Bundle
300 Jam Tracks & 300 Full Tracks + Chord Charts & Production Notes. 30 Bonus tracks and 7+ hours of licks. Styles: Blues, Rock, Jazz, Pop, Country, Jazz Rock, Funk, Slick Pop, Pop, Electro. Includes 5 solo transcriptions with video, 2 videos on how to practice over backing tracks, and a 60 minute live workshops where you can also ask questions.
Price: $1,165.00
Price: $97.00



Wow!  As usual we get way more than expected for the price. There is a lot more than backing tracks here including some great solos with Robert’s usual tasty licks which are very useful and easy to reuse.  The backing tracks in this bundle are well organized with lists that include key, tempo, chord charts, and additional comments about each track making it easy to select appropriate tracks for practicing.

Your Questions Answered

Question 1: How many backing tracks come in the bundle?
You will get 300 backing tracks, and 300 full tracks (with melody and solo), plus 25 bonus blues tracks and 5 bonus country tracks. In other words, 630 mp3s in total. The backing tracks come in several different genres, and they cover multiple keys and multiple tempos.

If you purchase the bundle today you will also get the following limited time bonuses:

  • Lick of the week 1-2-3 ($99 value)
  • Video + Transcription of my Into The Wind solo ($15 value)
  • Video + Transcription of my Double Perspective solo ($15 value)
  • Video + Transcription of my Middle of the Day solo ($15 value)
  • Video + Transcription of my Once Upon A Boat solo ($15 value)
  • Video + Transcription of my Cross Platform solo ($15 value)
  • 1 Live Workshop ($99.00 value)
  • 25 Blues Backing Tracks ($27 value)
  • 5 Country Backing Tracks ($10 value)
  • 2 teaching videos on how to practice over backing tracks ($45 value)
  • 12 major scale neck diagrams

Question 2: Can I download the backing tracks?
Yes, absolutely. Once you have purchased the bundle, a link will be emailed to you. The download is one large zip file. Once you open the zip file, you’ll find 2 mp3s and 1 PDF for each song. The tracks are in high quality mp3 format and can be transferred to any mp3 player device of your choice (smart phone, tablet, computer, etc.).

Question 3: Can I use an iPad/iPhone/tablet to download?
If you use an iPad/iPhone, I recommend you get WinZip or similar app for handling zip files, otherwise you can’t download this package. If you absolutely cannot handle zip files, email me and I’ll provide you with an alternative method for delivering the files.

Question 4: Is this bundle for beginners too?
Yes, they are great for any level of experience. Less experienced players will have fun jamming along, using the chord charts and the other tools I’ve taught you in this series of videos. For more advanced players, the backing tracks will provide opportunities to jam/improvise over interesting songs, and to further develop phrasing and technique.
This Mega Backing Track Bundle is for any type of player.

Question 5: How long are the backing tracks?
The tracks are between 2 and 6 minutes each. You get 630 tracks in total, which comes to about 30 hours of audio. Each of the 300 backing tracks has a real intro and a real ending – no fades.

Question 6: Can I hear samples for the backing tracks?
Yes you can, right on the ordering page.

Question 7: Are there any copyright issues with using these tracks?
You may record your own melody and solo over the backing track and post it online on the following terms and conditions:

  1. It must NOT be for any commercial purposes
  2. You must ALWAYS credit Mats Nermark as the composer of the track and mention the URL in writing where you post it if it’s an audio track and also in writing in the video if it’s a video track.

Please note that you may NOT include the backing tracks in a group/collection of backing tracks and post them anywhere at all, or share them with friends.

In case you do want to use these backing tracks for commercial purposes, we are not averse to that at all, but you must first apply for permission so we can enter an agreement that is fair to all.

Question 8: What is your refund policy?
Sorry, no refunds on downloadable products. The previews should help you decide before you commit to buying.

If you have any questions that haven’t been answered in this email, please let me know.

You can order this bundle now. Remember, this promo is ending soon.