Lick 6 in the solo in Jingle Bells (yeah still working it) has what you call a triplet pull off. I regret to inform you that can't be done! 😫
So it is 10th fret, 9th fret, 7th fret. A, G#, F#. Trying to watch the video I think I'm getting it but I just want to confirm. Is it what the name implies? Do you strike the 10th fret and then pull off to the 9th fret and then continue the pull off to the 7th fret? Strike once, 3 notes?
On your video I have the triplet circled below.
Robert, Absolutely no hurry on the response. I'll be working on this for weeks!
Yes, indeed. We can also call it a "double-pull off" or "double pull-off with triplets"... you strike once, thrice is your reward!
You can do it. It is actually a very good thing to practice slowly. It gets your fingers in check!
You pull off first with the ring finger, then with the middle finger.
Hmmm. Back to work! 😎
Thank you, Robert!!!!!!
you strike once, thrice is your reward!
Three shall be the number! Four shalt thou not count, Nor Two, unless it is to proceed to Three. Five is definitely out.