Members, We have an excellent new platform to build our skills through practice materials, community exchanges of music ideas and practice activities, recording and support.
Lesson & Course materials are indexed through tabs and linked to each player's work on the video lessons. The new format (see the Format page) has an incredible array of resources to help you understand, practice and master the materials at the skill level which you are comfortable. Enjoy this new layout and advanced resources but be sure to challenge and push yourself outside of your comfort zone- that's where the growth and discovery really begins.
The Forum now provides for Practice Logs, and advanced features for sharing ideas and links as well as private messaging.
This is your music neighborhood- it is a welcoming and positive environment- be sure to walk around, engage and share ideas and performances, so that everyone benefits and grows as a player and musician. Make a commitment to be active and your playing skills will never be the same.
Well said Clayton.
Cheers to our new playground!
Yeah! I'm in!
Well done Robert...Will
Speaking of Commitment, I want to thank our Master Robert for all the work in creating an excellent site, and giving me another opportunity to apply myself to the MGA. My drummer commented on how much benefit I have gained by having a connection and commitment participation in this community. And now that I see the new MGA in action through Forum activity, I find my connection and commitment improved. This site- it's a Good Thing.