Hey guys, sorry it's a bit slow lately. I am working on getting a new website set up, and I also have some demo videos I'm working.
Let me know what you are working on and if I can help!
Hey Robert,
I practice for a while now Jimi Hendrix-Love Is Bold.
I really enjoy this one. I started about 50% slow in Soundslice. And try 90% and go well. Sometime I tried full speed 100% but that's to difficult till now. I hope to play it 100% speed about two weeks.
Good luck with building your new site and hope to see the new site soon! 😀
Robert, I am still busy learning the Jingle Bells Blues. Above all, I'm concentrating on playing the double stops in the chorus cleanly, that still needs some time.
The verse and some parts of the solo are going pretty well already. I still need to work on the triplets and full tone bendings at the end.
I won't get to 160 bpm, I feel good at 120 bpm right now.
At the same time, I‘m in the process of revising „Rhythm & licks 4“. I already made a video about it and you recommended me to focus on strumming the mini-chords with a more distinct strum. As you said «like brushing off dust of your clothes with very quick motion».
I'm trying to do that right now.