Downward Sweep Pick...
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Downward Sweep Picking Blues Licks revisit!

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Posts: 220
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I don't know if anyone else has picked up on the usefulness of this cool 2 minute lesson and how sweep.......I mean how sweet these licks are!! First, I slow them down and they work very nicely even over a slow blues! Then I transpose them into more of a 'call and answer' scenario by varying them up but mostly........the second lick in this series transposed an octave lower sounds awesome especially since it takes very little necessity for additional memory or technique on my part!! Very cool and awesome advanced sounding licks from our maestro Roberto!! I hope for even more ideas on this upbeat great concept!!  Jim C.

Posted : February 9, 2019 16:09
Posts: 2360
Famed Member Admin

Sweep picking tends to be associate with shredders, but you can absolutely use it any style of music. I often use this technique for small bursts of energy.

I also think this is a technique that can imitate what piano players do.

Posted : February 9, 2019 19:19