Very cool, Chris!!! I'm looking forward to hearing it.
Nice! I have never tried those. Do we get to hear you play it?
Nice! I have never tried those. Do we get to hear you play it?
I'm not a good recording person but... we'll be playing a show Dec 13th!
Cool looking amp.
What do you think of this? (Since you are now our resident Quilter expert 😎)
Musicians Friend Stupid Deal of the Day Quilter 101 Mini. Just a head so a guy would still need a cab. Or use it with headphones?
I missed the SDOTD. How much were they selling it for? I have a 12 inch extension cabinet [Quilter] and thought I might one day buy a Quilter head for it.
They are popular. Unfortunately, I don't have a 101. I have heard they are a great unit with...
- 50 watts of power
- Gain control
- Compressor [limiter]
- 3 band EQ [Bass, mid, treble]
- Reverb
- Master volume
- FX Loop
- Headphone output
It seems like a pretty complete package to me. I really like my MicroPro combo... which has 2 channels, boost, footswitch, ...
Are you thinking about looking at a Quilter? Your guitar collection would sound great with a Quilter.
There is a Quilter Owners group and a Quilter For Sale group on FB... in case you are interested.
Note : The above describes the current Quilter 101 Reverb head not the mini that was offered up on the SDOTD...
Well damn! I missed it too. When I posted I thought it said 20 hours to go. I was very seriously considering it. $189.
I don't know that I am necessarily looking at a Quilter. I'm pretty satisfied with my Blues, Jr. I just thought this would be a great little practice amp for use with headphones.
First things first; there is a particular PRS Special Semi-hollow I am really thinking fairly seriously about. I get ready to drive over there. Then I talk myself out of it. Then I start to drive..... Then I talk myself out of it.
I don't need anything.
I need to step back a moment... and apologize. My previous post above described the Quilter 101 Reverb not the Quilter 101 Mini... Sorry.
I hear that the SDOTD price was $179... I likely would have grabbed one at that price as they are normally $329. I hear that MF has sold out, perhaps due to the SDOTD.
I believe they are a discontinued product, that Quilter is no longer producing the 101 Mini though they are still available.
To set the record straight... The Quilter 101 Mini has...
- 100 watts of power
- Gain control
- Tri-Q [EQ ]
- Voice [5 Selectable voices]
- Hi Cut
- Master
- FX Loop
- Headphone output
Chris, certainly no need to apologize. The correct specs are academic. I just screwed around too long. I had it in my cart. I went back a little later and it was sold out. It's not like I needed it. As you probably saw, they were talking about it on BGU; they were talking about it on the PRS forum and Guitar Gathering. I'm sure it was being discussed on every forum out there. Thusly, it sold out immediately.
Oh well.
Yes, it was a great deal... we will have to be quicker about it next time! I've been pining for a new S2 Semi-hollow... but since I just bought the new amp, I will try to keep things in check.
Just ordered a new Trio+ Plus and 3 button footswitch last night... hoping it arrives here soon!
Winter may be the best guitar time of year for me... no lawn to mow or other yard duties... so I'm gearing up for it! 😉
Don't forget your humidifiers for your acoustics!!!
Today's SDOD is the Quilter 45. A stomp pedal sized 45 watt amp for $99.
You can add this to you pedalboard and only carry it and a speaker cab to you gig! Also handy for a guys using modelers like a Line 6 Stomp/Helix/Helix LT.
so what do you guys think? Only $99 do I need to run this by my finance manager?
The Quilter MicroBlock 45 are still available but no longer in production.
You can slide them into the pocket of your gig bag... and run them direct out to the board... you can run it without a speaker and use the headphone jack... can be used as a 'spare' amp in case of problems.
Only Gain, TriQ [EQ] and Master... no reverb or other...
Ron, I think you are on the slippery slope to getting a Quilter... but which one!? LOL
There are some really good SDOTD deals going on. I bought my D'Angelico as a SDOTD deal a couple years back... I should be watching those deals more closely.
Ron, I think you are on the slippery slope to getting a Quilter... but which one!? LOL
Chris, you may be right! 🤣
Edited to add: The little Quilter 45 is on the way.
Congratulations Ron!... Great investment for $99 bucks!!! Hope we hear about it after you get to play with it some!