Is it just on me, but the MGA website and forum are slooowwww.... It always take many seconds after I click a lesson link before it do anything. Same for the forum, pretty slow.
Is there anything wrong with the server?
There is a database quirk that I try to fix soon. Sorry for the slowness.
It seems to be intermittent? Sometimes slow, sometimes not.
Ok I will try and fix it today!
I did a bunch of changes tonight. Let me know if got worse or better!
Hey Robert, thanks for the backing track! It's working now!
Regarding the website speed, I don't think it's better than before, bummer...
Has anything changed? Did you find it faster in the past? If so, how long ago did you notice the change?
For me, pages usually load in 3-4 seconds. I think that is acceptable. Thoughts?
Okay at my end and Im in Australia!
For example, the jam tracks page take 28 seconds to load.
A lesson take about 5-6 seconds wich is good now. Was worst then that last weekend.
And also, sometime the log-in time is pretty long too, more than 20 secs.
The Jam Tracks page is a bit extreme - there are 180 tracks on the page so that is why it is slow.
I can separate the Jam Tracks different categories into separate pages, if the slow loading is too much to deal with? You guys let me know.
Not sure why the log in is slow - please keep me posted if it continues or is always slow.
I can live with that! I prefer that you use your time on guitar lesson, instead of website management!