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Jam 9 Video

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Here is the video to jam 9


Posted : March 21, 2025 15:44
Posts: 2368
Famed Member Admin

Craig, I love the Hendrix bend at 24 seconds. I learned that move from him. It's tricky but really cool. You bend from the F# up to the to A and come back again. Luv it. I like that turnaround lick at 34 seconds. Sounds like something I've played! The sliding 6ths next are lovely too. Cool chromatic turnaround lick at the end.

Chuck, nice playing and tone! Nice bends and licks in there for sure. I would recommend thinking more in terms of phrasing, with space between the licks. In this video, it sounds a little like your fingers are going in an "auto-run" mode. That can be easily fixed by just have some pauses here and there. Think less about scales and more about phrasing.

Duncan, I'm not sure if this is synced properly? It sounds like you're not quite in sync with the track, but I love the energy! You always have some cool, spacey things going on. 

Birgit, I recognize quite a few things in there! I like how you follow the chords! One thing you did that you may not be aware of is you played even 8th notes instead of with a swing feel. It changes the overall feel but there's nothing wrong with that. To some in might sound stiff but it can be cool to mix swing and even feel when soloing. Can you tell the difference between swing and even? You might want to do that solo with a swing feel for practice, just to get used to how it feels in comparison. Let me know if you want help with that.

The last guy - no comment. 🙂 

Posted : March 24, 2025 14:14
Posts: 669
Noble Member

Robert, I really appreciate your feedback. It helps us to work on our weak points.

Last time you gave video feedback.

However, I have to say that this time I like your written summary of the most important points even better.

In my opinion, you could stick to this type of feedback.

Thank you very much for taking the time,


Posted : March 25, 2025 03:12
robert reacted
Posts: 2368
Famed Member Admin

Birgit, I have to commend you on getting good at playing the licks and ideas so well over the different chords. It shows you know where you are in the tune and you're able to find your way around the chords. Those last E to D licks with chromatic notes are really sweet. Same with the opening licks with double stops stabs. Did you learn those from me?

Posted : March 25, 2025 05:11
Bluesiline reacted
Posts: 669
Noble Member

Thank you, Robert, for your assessment. And yes, I took the wonderful double stop licks from you, but adapted them to my abilities.

I found the E to D licks with the chromatic notes on the internet. I think they're wonderful too, so I incorporated them into my second solo to contrast with my first solo.

It's incredible fun to put together solos for our jams, to see whether the licks fit the backing track, where I have to change notes, where the backing track dominates and where I have space with my licks, etc.

Without our jams, I would never have bothered with such things.


Posted : March 25, 2025 10:28
robert reacted
Posts: 3
New Member

Thanks for the written feedback as well. Yes, I recounted a little earlier in this thread that I punched-in at start of bar 53, when it should have been 51. Thus, the effort was definitely sounding a little off at the outset. There were also some errant guitar noises from a bed rhythm track I had added (more noticeable in the last 12 bars of the solo). I later edited them out but then posted an earlier unedited version to the MGAJammers box site. Other than that, things are more less in time, although I know that sounds coming from the guitar may not always seem visually correct because of the syncopated thumb and finger strikes (largely based on Travis style picking) interspersed with pull-ons and offs, and some supporting notes from the swingy walking bass lines.

Looking forward to Jam 10.


Posted : March 25, 2025 14:13
robert reacted
Posts: 2368
Famed Member Admin

@duncmcin It's always interesting to hear what you come up with, as it's quite different from my style. I think it's great we all have our own styles - we're all sounding unique in this group! 

Experimenting is to be applauded. In some ways, there are no wrong notes. It's all about creating art in moment and for that, there are really no hard rules. 

Posted : March 25, 2025 14:17
Posts: 823
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@robert Thanks Robert.  I really appreciate the opportunity to grow with this group of dedicated players.  Your input to the group is awesome. Thanks again!!

Posted : March 25, 2025 18:53
robert reacted