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Fresh from Deep C Studios: Four Fifths

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The First few notes warming up for a lesson session sounded catchy so I plugged into GarageBand and about three hours later I have another project which I called

"Four Fifths"

Its in the key of C but the main groove is G and F.  I did not plan this one out so there's not a lot much in the dynamics department but it was a lot of fun trying different sounds and fitting them together. And there's a little treat laced in the track that rises to the front in the last 16 bars.


Posted : May 9, 2023 17:58
Bluesiline reacted
Posts: 667
Noble Member

You sparkle with energy by experimenting with sounds, Clayton 😊. Great. I’m sure you had a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.

Posted by: @clayton

And there's a little treat laced in the track that rises to the front in the last 16 bars.

I was trying to figure out what you meant by this. Sorry, if I express myself in a layman’s way : What I could hear was that from bar 97 to the end (bar 120) the bass track is replaced by a lead track. Sounds very good.



Posted : May 10, 2023 01:47
Clayton reacted
Posts: 1775
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@Bluesiline what a wonderful compliment!  I did enjoy feeling this project develop- it was a lot of good energy. 

So, the extra sound is the Midi Guitar organ sound.  I use it as sparing rhythm support through the song but open it up in the last sixteen bars and "take it home" as the new lead instrument in the last twelve.  There's actually a physical keys sound that is somewhat covered by all the other noise (not enough dynamics sharing space).

Midi Guitar is an iOS app on my iPad that turns analog guitar input into a midi signal and then processes it through a variety of synth keys, pads, piano, and organ patches.  I ran into the iPad via jam+ interface and then out the Jam+ headphones output to my MOTU desktop interface into Garage Band.

Just getting the feel and concept of what keys would do in that project.  Adding the Midi Guitar organ sound was a last minute add-on idea.  There's a little latency and some touch sensitivity on the guitar strings that I have to play with to refine.

I may revise and tame this whole project to make it less busy and more of an interplay of instrument voices.  Nevertheless, it's always fun to have these possibilities at your fingertips.  Never got to the lesson I intended yesterday 😁


Posted : May 10, 2023 04:08
Bluesiline reacted
Posts: 667
Noble Member

Thank you for your description, Clayton. It’s always interesting to read which tools can be used to create beautiful sounds.


Posted by: @clayton

I may revise and tame this whole project to make it less busy and more of an interplay of instrument voices.  Nevertheless, it's always fun to have these possibilities at your fingertips. 

And yes, I’m also in favor of slimming down the variety. I had a bit of trouble keeping track.

On the other hand, I can understand your enthusiasm for wanting to implement as much as possible, because it's just so much fun 😊. 



Posted : May 12, 2023 01:41
Posts: 2363
Famed Member Admin

That sounds very cool! Jam on!

Posted : May 12, 2023 10:05
Clayton reacted
Posts: 1775
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Thanks, RR!  I really should take redo the solo for some breathing space.  It is a catchy little train beat progression when the solo's not stomping all over the changes 

Lotsa Fun- Thank for the guitar skills.

Posted : May 13, 2023 12:51
robert reacted