Questions for the M...
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Questions for the MGA Chat

12 Posts
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Posts: 2367
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So far, I have gotten the following questions, which I will address in the upcoming MGA Chat.

Topics for the MGA Chat:

  • How to get a good lead guitar tone with amp and pedal
  • My new purple amp
  • Practice Tips!
Posted : May 16, 2017 10:58
Posts: 337

What are your thoughts on studying the caged system.....pros and cons?

Posted : May 16, 2017 11:12
Posts: 337

How do you mix major and minor over a 12 bar blues. Some play major over the I and minor over the IV and V for example. There are many ways. I'm just wondering if you have a particular method that you use. 

Posted : May 16, 2017 11:34
Blue42 reacted
Posts: 929
Noble Member

I would have asked... What are some good ways to transition from '5 separate scale patterns' to 1 solid pattern that covers the whole fretboard... but you covered it very well in your practicing scales video... any further thoughts or insights?

Are there advantages / disadvantages of the three common pickup configurations

1. "Strat" - 3 pickup - 1 Volume 2 Tone controls

2 "Les Paul" - 2 pickups - 2 Volume 2 Tone controls

3 "Other" - 2 pickups - 1 Volume 1 Tone control

It seems that in LP configurations with both pickups active, each or both of the volume controls sort of work like master volume controls... is there a reason for that?

Posted : May 16, 2017 12:15
Posts: 929
Noble Member

Another question to submit is..

What are some ways to build and improve overall speed and hand coordination?


Posted : May 16, 2017 12:17
Posts: 220

OK....sort of related to Chris's question concerning pick up selections.......what is a dynamite setting on a tube amp to replicate as closely as possible a clean acoustic guitar playing through a solid body......say a Stratocaster??

Posted : May 16, 2017 21:11
Posts: 929
Noble Member

Have you established a date for the chat yet, Robert?

Posted : May 19, 2017 21:12
Posts: 2367
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Posted by: JestMe


Have you established a date for the chat yet, Robert?


Yes, today. I covered only two topics - CAGED and how to get a great acoustic guitar tone with a strat through a tube amp... I forgot to turn on my headset mic, so the only voice audio is from the built-in mic on the camera, which is not that great. However, for this type of more informal video, it should work I hope. Let me know!

It should be up this afternoon (need to edit and upload).

Posted : May 20, 2017 10:02
Posts: 929
Noble Member

OK! We can look forward to that and Clapton!

I'm sorry I misunderstood, I thought it was to be a live chat. My mistake!

Posted : May 20, 2017 10:55
Posts: 2367
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No, not live. I need to test live video more so I can be certain of providing a good enough service.

How important is live video compared to non-live? I think it's better in most cases to not do it live. You can probably imagine that it's not so easy to talk on camera, try to read little comments on a screen somewhere, guitar in hand, trying to cover a topic at the same time. 

If you want more live video, what would you like to see in such broadcasts?

Posted : May 20, 2017 11:09
Posts: 929
Noble Member

I tend to agree Robert... take questions through the forum and record responses to them. Live sessions can great really crazy. That's a fine strategy!


Posted : May 20, 2017 12:09
Posts: 28

Could you at some point discuss the advantages and disadvantages (tone wise) of using the various triad inversions for both major and minor chords?

Where and why you would prefer one over another.

Posted : May 20, 2017 16:32