Dang that green onion on the cutting board was playing with my head. Look what happened.
I was shreddin' fast! Yngwie on the chopping block and I went over the speed limit.
The good thing is that it's mostly on the top/side of the finger so it may be possible to play again in a few days. Let's hope.
<img src="https://scontent.fyyz2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/26758199_1168327319964973_8379477062536609246_o.jpg?oh=20b9d9eb6b8bc8a8923b80f5f7ae7942&oe=5AE28486">
Man you need to be careful of those hands... perhaps hire a cook. Hope you heal well and quickly.
Mother of God, Jimmy Page never ate vegetables, nor did SRV if you don't count guacamole!
Be careful.
ouch! Dont scare us like this!!
One look at the picture and I can feel the pain in my index-fingers. In both!! Hope it get's better as fast as possible!!!
Let's all chip in and buy him one!