Oh yes, Halloween can come – a great new arrangement, excellent playing and Scottrocker’s voice is wonderful again. And your guitar solo at the end is so beautiful, Robert 👍 .
But I would love to see you all in the video!
Addendum: I couldn’t figure out which song, but I’ve just read in a comment from « G Whiz » on your Youtube site, that « Sounds like a touch of Skynyrd at the end. Sweet Home plus! »
And yes, I agree. Your solo sounds similar to Sweet Home Alabama solo 2.
And your guitar solo at the end is so beautiful, Robert
But I would love to see you all in the video!
Yep, great tone! The middle solo was very good but that outro solo was awesome!
BTW, here's a fave of Zevon's (yes, surprise, it's not Lawyers Guns and Money):
Poignant- Warren cut this song when he knew he was short on time in this world.
Ahh, what the hell, here's Lawyers Guns and Money!