We're taking a holiday to Ireland & Scotland in May and this has left me with a focus on Celtic guitar and all the history that spans from Galicia, Spain to the Highlands of Scotland. So I'm on an immersion into Reels and Jigs, and maybe a wee bit o' finger style.
I'll be damned if I'm stepping into a Pub with a Session and not stepping up to the bar so to speak. I can smell adventure when 6'4" me walks into the lands of whiskey and warm beer.
Anybody else have thoughts on playing some Irish and Celtic tunes? Seems like lessons are a little more effort to find, but the lesson culture seems very down to Earth.
Sweet! I love seeing you doing what you love! Lots of travel and exercise.
I have a lot of Celtic songs on my Band-In-A-Box. I can create some tunes for you if you like!
Here's a lesson you might like.
Thank you @Robert, I do love an adventure and, as a dear friend once said, “This ain’t no dress rehearsal, so you better get to whatever it is you want to do”. I’ll definitely have some good stories making new friends and doing something cool.
That lesson was a great link! Seems the music scene is so social.
@Matonanjin, Wise words and a keen directive- consider it done! If we’re lucky, there will be a video of me partaking in a local “session”
@robert Yes! Crank a few Celtic tracks out of the the Hurdy Gurdy Band-In-O-Box, I could definitely use help getting up to speed!
Botany Bay! Here's some young fellas giving it a try:
I didn’t know the two Irish guys before. Thanks for sharing - a beautiful rendition.
And all in all a touching anthem!
I attended an open mic night in Galway and really enjoyed the house band as well as the variety of folks who stepped up to play and/or sing. From traditional songs to current material like U2 and Peter Gabriel. The list of regulars who came to play was long so I did not jump in. (I was recently playing Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald and thought that an appropriate epic style for pub play).
Ah well, left Galway and hiked the Aran Island- Innismore.
I’m envious too!!!
Enjoy the wonderful landscape, the contacts with the local people and the Irish and Scottish music.
What a sky and what an enchanting panorama. You are really lucky, Mr. and Mrs Clayton .
@bluesiline 8 days of sunshine in Ireland. Now, Edinburgh!