Learn a killer advanced, modern blues solo in the key of A. You will learn 24 licks – 48 bars long. This solo is labeled advanced, but there are also some licks that are of intermediate difficulty level. The solo is inspired by players such as Robben Ford, Larry Carlton, Matt Schofield and of course B.B King. The solo has a variety of cool ideas, such as major triads, mixolydian, minor penta with major 6th instead of b7, etc.
I have also included a longer, deeper analysis of the licks. This is where I talk about how I view the lick from a theory perspective. I talk about scales, triads, 3rds, or similar theory concept. This will be helpful to those who want to understand what’s going on from theoretical point of view. Further more, those who find this solo a bit challenging will still benefit greatly from this deeper analysis.